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ZSH customize without OhMyZSH
git clone --depth=1 ~/powerlevel10k && echo 'source ~...
Proxmox Power Savings / CPU Governor
Add Pfetch and fastfetch to proxmox along with making it run at start
apt install unzip && wget && unzip master...
New Proxmox / Docker Server Deployment guide
Deployment Summary Here, we will document the general steps to deploy a Proxmox / Docker setup. ...
Docker Network Limit fix
nano edit the below file /etc/docker/daemon.json { "log-level": "warn", "log-driver": "js...
Directory Tree Scanner - qdirstat - windirstat alternative
Directory Tree Scanner - qdirstat - windirstat alternative
Backups are accomplished differently depending on the server.Proxmox1 uses DuplicatiProxmox2 uses...
Setting up Obsidian Sync for GameDev
Download Obsidian on any device Create a Vault on your device. Name it anything. I name mine Gam...
Git Cheat Sheet / Guide Install Git on MacOS brew install git Install Git ...
Checkpoints and Snapshots for ZFS
Zpool checkpoint rpool
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