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19 total results found

"The Tech Stack"

Fifthdread and Randy's Tech Related WIKI

Ultimate Server Guide

The Proxmox / Docker Server Information

Tech Reference

Create ZFS "folders" aka dataset

Ultimate Server Guide

Run this command to create a ZFS Dataset zfs create rpool/config/<containername> Run this command to destroy a ZFS Dataset zfs destroy rpool/config/<containername>

PROXMOX Nag Screen Removal

Ultimate Server Guide

Run the following command in the proxmox terminal sed -Ezi.bak "s/(\(\{\s+title: gettext\('No valid sub)/void\(\{ \/\/\1/g" /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js && systemctl restart pveproxy.service

New Proxmox / Docker Server Deployment guide

Ultimate Server Guide

Deployment Summary Here, we will document the general steps to deploy a Proxmox / Docker setup. Install Proxmox Development Environment. Fix the repositories. We need to remove the enterprise repos and add the no-subscription repos nano /etc/apt/source...

Setting up SAMBA

Ultimate Server Guide

VFIO "GPU Passthrough" Guide for Proxmox

Ultimate Server Guide

BIOS Settings: Disable Above 4G Disable ReBAR Disable SR-IOV (Leave this enabled if using a Quadro or other SR-IOV enabled graphics accelerator) Enable IOMMU Support Enable VT-d Ensure primary output in BIOS is set to iGPU (NOT AUTO) Proxmox Kernel ...


Ultimate Server Guide

Help! My VM won't shutdown! Stop the current shutdown task by clicking on the task in the Tasks List Press Stop Click the dropdown next to Shutdown in the top right and select "Stop" Help! My VM randomly suspends! Edit Power Plan in Windows to never...

Updating Portainer

Ultimate Server Guide

From Proxmox: docker stop portainer docker remove portainer docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9443:9443 --name=portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /config/portainer:/...


Ultimate Server Guide

  \l < list databases create database: CREATE DATABASE database; delete database: DROP DATABASE database; grant admin to user on new db: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database TO user;

Checkpoints and Snapshots for ZFS

Ultimate Server Guide

Zpool checkpoint rpool

Git Cheat Sheet / Guide

Tech Reference Install Git on MacOS brew install git Install Git on Windows Set Config git config --global "[name]" git config --global "[email]" example: git config ...

Setting up Obsidian Sync for GameDev

Tech Reference

Download Obsidian on any device Create a Vault on your device. Name it anything. I name mine GameDev for the GameDev vault. Click the Settings Cog Wheel Click Community Plugins Enable Community Plugins.Click Browse Search for Self-Hosted Download...


Ultimate Server Guide

Backups are accomplished differently depending on the server.Proxmox1 uses DuplicatiProxmox2 uses rsync Rsync & crontab Using the below command, you can see the rsync commands which backup docker. crontab -e Below is an example configuration. # Palworld H...

Directory Tree Scanner - qdirstat - windirstat alternative

Ultimate Server Guide

Directory Tree Scanner - qdirstat - windirstat alternative

Docker Network Limit fix

Ultimate Server Guide

nano edit the below file /etc/docker/daemon.json { "log-level": "warn", "log-driver": "json-file", "log-opts": { "max-size": "10m", "max-file": "5" }, "default-address-pools": [ { "base": "", "size": 2...

Add Pfetch and fastfetch to proxmox along with making it run at start

Ultimate Server Guide

apt install unzip && wget && unzip && install pfetch-master/pfetch /usr/local/bin/ && ls -l /usr/local/bin/pfetch && echo -e "\n# Add pfetch command\npfetch" >> ~/.bashrc   cd ~/ && wget http...

Proxmox Power Savings / CPU Governor

Ultimate Server Guide  Proxmox ships with Performance Governor by default, and you may want to change it to save power...