Backups are accomplished differently depending on the server.
Proxmox1 uses Duplicati
Proxmox2 uses rsync
Rsync & crontab
Using the below command, you can see the rsync commands which backup docker.
crontab -e
Below is an example configuration.
# Palworld Hourly Backup
0 * * * * rsync -aAX --delete --exclude '*.recycle' --exclude 'rsync' /config/palworld/Pal/Saved /config/rsync/backups/palworld/palworld_$(date +%FT%H%M%z)
# Daily Rolling Backup at 1am
00 01 * * * rsync -aAX --delete --exclude '*.recycle' --exclude 'rsync' /config/ /config/rsync/backups/daily/daily
# Weekly Backup at 2pm on Friday
00 02 * * 5 rsync -aAX --delete --exclude '*.recycle' --exclude 'rsync' /config/ /config/rsync/backups/weekly/weekly_$(date +%FT%H%M%z)
# Monthly Backup at 3am on 1st of the month
00 03 1 * * rsync -aAX --delete --exclude '*.recycle' --exclude 'rsync' /config/ /config/rsync/backups/monthly/monthly_$(date +%FT%H%M%z)
This website can help setup various timings for when to run rsync.